A government so rotten,
And so mean.
If this is political evolution,
Then the past was really revolution.
That they should represent US,
Is much worse than just disillusion.
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The very roots of Life,It would be like feelingOf Eternity, the Light.
Knives get sharpened,
Hate is poison,Hard to toastShameful actionsThat persist,Hate in heartsShould not exist.Teach Love, Not hate,Even if you have toUse poetry, as bait.
Chanson d’Amour,
Forget me not,You’re all I’ve got.An echo soft,Of love that’s lost,Sings in the breeze,Hides in the trees.The soft lament,The breaking heart,I know My Love,No end, no start.
I want to say things
I want to make others feel,The Beauty, Love that thisWorld has in its core,That the true Artist can reflect,In painting, poetry, theaterAnd so much more,But, I can’t! For I amToo insignificantly, SmallEven though I’ve tried,Many times before,The true Creative SpiritIs so much more…..
Sometimes in a poem,
All brainy and confident,Open and adjacent.The clarity and openness,A poem may bring,Is Amazing!In so few words it can be,The most complete and sincerest,Passion and Truth,Of a person’s inner, sensibility.
We create our ownInner and external Wars!That destroy everythingWe once so carefully builtAnd natural habitats, too!Failed Monsters that comethFrom the Sea,Why must you manipulateEverything you touch and see?Plot against Life itselfBe a continual destructiveMenace,Kill what you have plantedBe too blind to seeThat you kill everythingAround you,Including yourself,By not using, love’s key.