The governments are making lists
of middle-Eastern terrorists.
There’s talk about a policy
that doesn’t make much sense to me.
It’s shoot to kill the ones who look
like Mister (perhaps Mrs.) Crook.
There is a war on foreign soil,
which may relate a bit to oil,
but it appears that people think
our freedom hovers on the brink
of irreversible destruction.
This thought derives from smart deduction
by leaders in those lofty places.
They do not show their sinful faces
out on the foreign battlefield,
but keep a tally on the yield
of freshly killed, some friend, some foe,
a man named Dumbsgeld, whom we know
sends letters to the next of kin
then settles back to nurse his gin.
He likes the action of all war,
the blood and guts, this thing called gore,
it’s entertainment at its best,
America, you shall be blessed!
In all the helter-skelter fighting,
which may be utterly exciting,
it is, to me, a glaring error
that no one sees the Psycho-Terror.
For fifty years we have been told
to put all eggs and meat on hold.
What started out as one big false
hypothesis, without the balls
to stand up on its own two legs,
was Ancel Keys’ dislike of eggs.
He saw that people died like flies
and told the world his great surprise,
that all our ancestors had been
in their nutrition full of sin.
He singled out cholesterol,
there was no other cause at all.
And ever since that fateful day
the people, they were asked to pay.
In goods and money, and in lives.
So many left behind their wives.
Yes, Psycho-Terror then was used
to keep the masses unamused
and shaking in their trusting boots
while busy doctors in cahoots
were practicing sheer genocide,
inside the country, far and wide.
Cholesterol, that sacred core
had been declared to be the whore
who comes and leaves her pestilence
the answer would be drugs and stents.
Destruction of a needed essence
affects the years of people’s presence
in health to spend their time on earth
as they are programmed right at birth.
The folly of all interference
though not all clear at first appearance,
will, in the end suggest an answer:
This worldwide treatment causes cancer.
You take away the system tools
repair becomes too much to ask.
Though history will judge those fools
we need to take them NOW to task.

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