With the same recipe and ingredients involved,
Has ceased to make sense!
At least for those in observation,
Witnessing familiar results being produced…
With shallow interpretations of sincerety.
And the pledge of a society,
To maintain a direction already clouding in darkness.
What is not obvious about this by now?
What minds have been shielded from this process?
Consciousness has been reduced,
To worthless visuals to tease sensuous pleasures.
At the cost of an overburdened penal system.
To keep a weakened people imprisoned,
Within their own temptations.
‘You want another ‘hit’ of this? ‘
Restricted by standards and qualities of life,
That do not exist.
Not in one’s ‘sight’ that is.
And yet indignities are shared…
As if one bag of popcorn is passed amongst a crowd.
Entertained by their own degradation!
And total absence of awareness.
But kept ‘high’…
To keep remnants of reality,
Easier to dismiss.

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