Unlike falsehood needing a lot of covers with negative thoughts
To escape from the suspicious eyes looking for culprits ever!
Truthfulness gives a free heart to mingle with one and all ever
sans any hesitation or veil to cover oneself of one’s falsity;
Words of truth abiding personalities are bold and effective
And that no one can refute due to their justified facts all like!
Truthfulness in thoughts, words and deeds of one shows of one’s
Integrity of character and broad nature no person of falsity can
Do any harm or sway by false promises to deceive and survive in
The darkness of hideouts to escape from law keeping citizens sure!
Truthfulness of one makes all rely on one whatever be the situation
And circumstance in life leading one to be the guardian and leader
Of any community or society to the level of governing a nation too,
If chance clicks on such a one by inevitable circumstances too sure!
Truthfulness is like a gold or diamond that never loses its value
Due to its noble nature and lasting value in the world forever sure
And is an asset to have such persons as friends or guardians or
Teachers or leaders to have a confident relationship of any kind ever!

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