in some unknown vault
are very sad
Lack of light
They are dying in the dark
They wanted
To be born
To breathe
Like you and me
but we were afraid
of the truth
if you would reveal yours
and I reveal mine
it could have been
a drop of rain
it could have been
a zigzag stream
I could have my bath
You could satiate your thirst
The rain could have
Mingled with the stream
but we did not have the courage
to battle out
you took your way
and I took mine
you look back
I look back too
Possibly thinking
We could have been a little bold
Open a little bit
Our mind
And our four lips
But time is our glorious friend
Life is our friendly road
Perhaps destiny will help
us to meet again
and I swear this time ……
your thousand buds
would bloom in flowers
and mine would be
thousand butter flies
to give birth
and to set free
all the secrets
to take breathe in the air freely..

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