Like a big pogo stick they go hopping along
Adult males taller than a tall man and twice as strong.
An aboriginal Australian marsupial as Aussie as you’ll find
A grey roo in full flight goes as fast as the wind
They figure in stories of the Aboriginal Dreamtime
And they have inspired poets and bards for to rhyme.
Sometimes whilst out walking small mobs of them I see
They stand on their hind legs and they stare at me
But if I approach them they turn and hop away
I do see them often though not every day.
The joey in mum’s pouch his head cocking out
A big weight for her to carry as she goes hopping about
But the other mob members she doesn’t lag behind
Speed and endurance insures the survival of her kind.
Of the roo population road traffic takes it’s toll
Yet their numbers in some places out of control
I often see them when out walking though not every day
And if I approach them from me they hop away.

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