The sufferings of Christ for our salvation.
‘Save me, O God, the swelling floods
Break in upon my soul;
I sink, and sorrows o’er my head
Like mighty waters roll.
‘I cry till all my voice be gone,
In tears I waste the day:
My God, behold my longing eyes,
And shorten thy delay.
‘They hate my soul without a cause,
And still their number grows
More than the hairs around my head,
And mighty are my foes.
”Twas then I paid that dreadful debt
That men could never pay,
And gave those honors to thy law
Which sinners took away.’
Thus in the great Messiah’s name,
The royal prophet mourns;
Thus he awakes our hearts to grief,
And gives us joy by turns.
‘Now shall the saints rejoice, and find
Salvation in my name;
For I have borne their heavy load
Of sorrow, pain, and shame.
‘Grief, like a garment, clothed me round,
And sackcloth was my dress,
While I procured for naked souls
A robe of righteousness.
‘Amongst my brethren and the Jews
I like a stranger stood,
And bore their vile reproach, to bring
The Gentiles near to God.
‘I came in sinful mortals’ stead,
To do my Father’s will;
Yet when I cleansed my Father’s house,
They scandalized my zeal.
‘My fasting and my holy groans
Were made the drunkard’s song;
But God, from his celestial throne,
Heard my complaining tongue.
‘He saved me from the dreadful deep,
Nor let my soul be drowned;
He raised and fixed my sinking feet
On well-established ground.
”Twas in a most accepted hour
My prayer arose on high;
And for my sake my God shall hear
The dying sinner’s cry.

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