A poet of the States and Americanism,
A vagabond and a tramp
He sings of America and the American people,
Welcoming and greeting all,
Acknowledging the contribution of all,
Even going beyond it.
A singer of heart, he sings soulfully,
Of the self and the soul,
The Oversoul,
Ever present in our consciousness,
The Inspiration Behind,
What is past is past,
Let us mould the future
So that they may benefit from,
Belittle not anyone,
Love and respect them all.
The greatest poet knows not pettiness or triviality,
As he can see good in all,
Without making a difference,
Seeing the same virtue and merit in all,
The curious mystery of the eyesight sees
Everything but in a new avenue and perspective.
Equality is his song, democracy is, fraternity is,
A singer of solidarity,
A singer of unity of souls,
He is but a lover of the soul,
Human soul and spiritual values,
Nursing writhing humanity,
Hearing the pains and throes of the voices in grief.
The great but knows the soul,
Feels within and realizes,
He is a saint and a seer,
A man of karma and dharma,
His karma is his metaphysics,
He ascends and transcends it all,
Moralizes not, but shows the light.
Past, present and present are disjointed
But joined
And the poet as a seer visualizes it all,
Man’s history and time,
Life, activity and philosophy,
Just a philosopher and a metaphysician,
A singer and a painter of life,
A common man commonmanly in one’s approach.

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