Of their ability in nothingness due to lack of a
Good ambition serving as driving force to do great!
In this juncture it is worth talking about a sage
Swami Vivekananda by name known to the world as
The owner of tongue of flame as his words were in
The time of freedom movement in India so to say here!
His poetic words were awakening the all slumbering
Youths of that holds good even today as they are all
Dancing like the snake caught by the spell of snake
Charmers music by cell phones ever and computers..!
One’s ability lies in making use of whatever gadgets
one has in hand rather than wasting time of line in
Enjoyment only sans any thought about future life,
When nothing is possible to do at ripe old age sure!
Aimless and purposeless in life many spend time in
Intoxicating liquors as civilization forgetting our
Great spiritual culture to lead the world by it rather
Then copying Western style sans bothering about health!

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