Spiritually think over philosophic ideas of religion;
We feel comfortable with scientific advancement
And spend sometime in creative ideas of literature.
Yet, we don’t know anything about the unknown –
The things like Universe, life and death forever….!
Searches are made and religion gives answers and
Literature also says so many things about them…;
Even then we do not have a decisive answer ever!
What is Universe and what is the meaning of life?
These questions are again and again asked ever
By individuals to get answers by search and also,
Doing a lot re-searches and their findings are written
Well in literature, but needing updates in libraries!
To find answers all can rely on, researches are needed
From scientists and litterateurs more than before sure,
It seems and for that importance should be given to
Science and literature and their creative ideas should
Always be updated in the libraries for all to know….!

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