Drought, snow, water falls, rivers and lakes long with seas have impact on all;
Leaves, flowers, fruits, variety of fragrant flowers and fruits please all round the year!
Desert and paradise are the hell and heaven of Earth all know very well;
Loss and profit, defeats and victories and death and life are fate and luck
That are decided by Nature under the the influence of God, Universal energy;
From this set up, man cannot escape whatever advancement man makes!
This is a great competition going on for long between God and man sans an end
Like the competition between man and Time now due to man and machine partnership;
All advancement with his technological knowledge and power are checked now and then
By natural disasters caused by burning heat in summer and storms and rains in winter!
Like the robots in the hands of man, Men are in the hands of Nature ever designed
To act by the keying of the top power to dance to the tune selected by the highest one!

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