I was the dunce of the class-room if not the dunce of the school
Does this mean till death I must carry with me the tag of the fool?
Some people can be so ignorant and with their words be very cruel
And feel they are better than others as one of the class born to rule
Yet I have known uneducated people who have been wise in their way
And I could sense the pearls of wisdom in some of the things they did say.
Those who dream of an egalatarian human society seem well meaning people to me
But in their great wish for egalatarianism they overlook the reality
That people will never be equal for as long as there is poverty
And for as long as there is class distinction there cannot be equality.
No we will not have an egalatarian society for as long as Comparisons between people are made
For as long as our big brother tells us who does or does not make the grade
There are millions of people in the big World out there who bow to their king and their queen
For as long as we behave in this manner our own selves we only demean
We now have new laws of sedition that our Government introduced of late
For to speak ill of those in high places can be seen as a threat to the State
Your words can condemn you to prison or maybe even to a worse fate
For an egalatarian society it would seem we will have a very long wait.
The dunce of the school in the fifties that tag with me through life remain
It lives on as an unpleasant memory when my past comes to haunt me again
And things have not changed since the fifties there’s a dunce of the school house today
And from an egalatarian society we even seem further away.

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