like Tolerance, Endurance, and train everyday like breathing
and add being Honest and Love to our hearts
the end of this Summing Up will be entirely different
than not trying at all
BUT we must be willing to add these factors above
Truly a human’s vision, view and sight can change
but without wishing to
without trying to
without educating ourselves
like eating and breathing and included above factors
it’s just laziness
untrained souls are we
and patience has left our being
impatience and the rest negative things and thoughts
enter our whole being
so no place anymore for all those best qualitiy of life
no place anymore for love for our neighbours and the more
indeed, without any training sessions
that is much easier
the easiest way to survive
in our pink ardent life….
© Sylvia Frances Chan – All Rights Reserved
Tuesday 14 July 2020
Dutch Morn

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