But there is more to life than sports and money
There’s music it is good food for the soul.
There’s more to life than fast cars, boats and houses
And keeping up with the Joneses next door
There’s song and dance and spiritual enhancement
If all were alike then life would be a bore.
There’s more to life than booze and sex and gambling
There’s other things to do in leisure hours
There’s path to walk on through woods and by lake shore
And there’s love of Nature, beasts and trees and flowers.
There’s more to life than pubs where mates are bonded
Where men assemble after work each day
The Spring is almost here and the birds are singing
And the nearest wood is not that far away.
There should be more to life than work and money
So many other things that one might name
But work and money give to people status
And those two are important just the same.
There’s more to life than earning your first million
Though to many that would be the winning goal
There’s song and dance and pleasant walks in Nature
And there’s music it is good food for the soul.

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