it was great to see colleagues
I hadn’t seen in a while.
There was plenty of laughter going round,
however I had problem when the food began
without any teeth you cannot
bite into a hot dog or burger.
I had to suck on the dog
and mash up the burger.
The Chef asked if there were any complaints,
I said I had one playfully.
What was that he asked?
The sausages were burnt and hard,
scrapping my gums as I sucked on them,
at which everyone laughed!
The Chef’s reply
was to get my wife to chew them first.
Unfortunately like me
she has no teeth as well.
Having said all that
everyone had a great time,
and poor little me I had to take painkillers
when I finally got home as my gums were aching
from being scrapped by burnt dogs.
The question that now begs to be asked,
will I go to another?
Inequitably yes,
but it will have to wait
until I get some new teeth.

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