I did not expect this at all.
‘You were the one to ask if I was uninhibited! ‘
I meant in private.
When we are alone!
Hurry up!
Get dressed.
This is embarrassing.
You are an exhibitionist.
‘What difference does that make?
I told you I enjoy eating in the nude!
So you want me to take the tassels off my breasts too?
I thought you said you wanted to see me dance? ‘
Hurry up and get dressed.
This whole thing has been a misunderstanding.
Your ad said ‘Unconditional and Uninhibited Love’.
What is your point?
I’m the one embarrassed.
I should have questioned you ‘before’ accepting your invitation.
You’re the one who lied when you said I should be myself!
Didn’t I tell you,
My honesty was rare?
That I kept nothing covered?
I was as naked to the truth as I can be? ‘
People lie!
And this is ‘too’ much honesty.
I’m not ready for it.
Get dressed.

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