Enjoy each moment and pass on to unknown ones
I think our mission is complete even if shared by none
Think of different world when someone smiles at you
The path of happiness and joy is about to be passed through
Make use of that smile for life long retention
Propose for holy alliance and never make mention
‘Do you mean to say this can be reality’ she directly posed
I had no other means to reply as if trust was to be reposed
She was assured of what I had in mind
She was the best ever dream girl for me to find
We had no physical attraction
Yet it had magical pull in all our actions
She may stare at me with unsaid questions
I shall always venture to admit for good relation
I have not remembered for what went on
It was smooth sailing on calm water and gone
Time had come now to decide what should be the next?
The destiny was to be decided as possible as best
Life is never thought of in advance
I had only beautiful face of her to glance
Whole of world was seen through powerful reflection
The magic spell and sweet voice made it known in action
Many people speak of little exaggeration
For me it was nicest ever witnessed relation
When we both felt earth was touching the sky
We needed now simple nest to try
No doubt we were captured in lovely prison
There were many and memorable reasons
She was not coming to me as mere sex object
I was to reassure her rest of the life as matter of fact
I am sure her melodious voice may ring all the times
I do not know about turning of it as bitter sometimes
Even if that takes place as sign of bad omen
I shall have to skip it off as bad dream even
I would love to be known as simple man
Not to be known as obedient husband of that woman
Yet I shall love to hear her as cuckoo’s first call
Even though we shall be confined to high walls

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