To criticize
Things done by others…
With the convenience to disapprove.
And choosing to voice my druthers.
What can I do?
To improve the quality of life.
I’m not the only one sometimes embittered…
Or feel my life has more share of strife.
Have I ever set aside my own selfishness,
To protest against my own wastelessness?
Have I ever gone out of my way,
To listen and empathize with others along the way?
Have I sacrificed my own feeding of greed…
To come to the aid of another who has more need?
Instead of proceeding to mask my own insecurities.
What can I do?
What can I say?
Perhaps today I will make an attempt,
To see myself extremely fortunate!
And do something I have not often done.
Approach someone else to offer my assistance.
And ask, ‘What can I do?
If you and I got together…
Maybe you and I can help others too!
Isn’t it much easier to try to understand…
Than to stay frustrated,
By making self centered demands!
And who is really listening to that…
When common ground is where we all seem to stand! ‘
What can I do?
To have us accept each other,
With nothing more than that to prove.
Let’s try something new.

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I ask.
‘What is true for me?
And what isn’t?
What is my task?
How long is this confusion I face,
Going to last? ‘
I ask.
‘And if I pray everyday,
Will these conflicts go away?
Will these burdens be lifted?
How long can I expect to be afflicted,
By this.’
I ask.
And something inside pulled me aside.
I felt interrogated.
As if I should be stripped bare naked.
Of everything…
Including my pride!
I was not prepared to do that.
Even though everything else,
I had already tried!
And I was questioned…
By a voice I could not deny!
~When was the last time you prayed with faith?
Is it constantly done?
With a devotion felt that overcomes?
Why are you looking outside yourself…
To validate I exist.
When I sit within you…
Feeling you hide
As if from Me you resist.
How often do you listen?
And if you do…
Do you obey?
Like you say you do,
With Me in faith…
With an honesty of truth?
As you say you do everyday?
Or do you choose your obstacles with you to stay!
What is it that you wish from Me,
You think I’m going to sit with you,
And waste MY time away?
If you are not grateful for My presence…
How can I gift you with My blessings? ~
‘Who is this?
Is this God?
And if this is…
Why are You asking ‘me’ those questions?
I thought you had ALL the answers? ‘

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It was ment to be,
You’re my Destiny.
Like the wave loves the Sea,
Like the gull must be free,
Like our blood has to flow,
Like the Wind has to blow,
And all trees have to grow,
You are part of my soul,
You’re my heart’s melody,
Like the cry of the Sea,
You’re my life’s Symphony,
You’re my life’s Mystery,
My Divine Destiny.

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