This shows they are for benefit at the cost of even dear ones
Not having any sense of gratitude or reciprocation in friendship!
Such spineless creatures are many mingling with the good ones
Waiting for a better chance to jump to the other side leaving the
Good ones in despair without any sense of remorse in life until
They fall in bad times seeking some help from reliable ones….!
Unable to get help from the good ones, they realize the blunder
They have committed earlier without any chance of having such
Friends once again to give solace, help and support to get over the
Bad situation to a better one sooner or later in world life sure..!
Opportunists seeking benefits only sans knowing the value of real
Friends, the sooner they come up, they fall to the abyss not…….
Knowing the works of fate that lifts the fallen and puts down the
Glorious at unexpected moment giving many chances of success!

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