Something someone’s heard
What is the meaning
Is it large or small
Or doesn’t anyone know
How to describe it at all
What is love
Is it a gentle kiss
A tender embrace
Or is it someone
You could never replace
What is love
(date written unknown)

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Is it mirth, or melancholy?
Joys above,
Are there many, or not any?
What is Love?
If you please,
A most sweet folly!
Full of mirth and melancholy:
Both of these!
In its sadness worth all gladness,
If you please!
Prithee where,
Goes Love a-hiding?
Is he long in his abiding
Can you bind him when you find him;
Prithee, where?
With spring days
Love comes and dallies:
Upon the mountains, through the valleys
Lie Love’s ways.
Then he leaves you and deceives you
In spring days.

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Asked by sensitive
Love is,
That spell you fall under
Emotional thunder
That life giving wonder,
We can’t live without.

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Over and over again,
Undying till,
The last breath,
If ever you are,
So blessed,
That is what Love Is.

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