Or is it charisma or statesmanship or authority or what?
Or else is it beauty or attachment or affection or lust?
All that may be wielding power for sometime but not ever;
Only selflessness out going concern for all has that power;
Of all qualities of human nature such as beauty, charisma,
Attachment, affection and so on, only love has greatest power!
Alive or dead, power of love experienced never leaves the
Mind and heart of all and rules all as immortal power ever;
That is why this power of love is almighty like Nature with
Its five elements such as air, water, fire, land and Space!
Only the Universal Spiritual energy is the Almighty activating
Everything everywhere by its eternal love is the greatest power!
If one is capable of wielding such a power by love surely is
God in human form and is why Love is God, who is Almighty ever!

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