The day will come when you can’t keep your gain
And only memories of you will remain.
It is not your wealth or fame it’s how you live
And if you have learnt to take and not to give
Then all your wealth and fame is little use
Each for himself is not a good excuse.
You see that poor old fellow down the street
From ill fitting shoes he walks on blistered feet
And you can only equal him one day
And who knows that may not be far away.
He eat stale food he find in rubbish bin
Whilst you dine out with wealthy business men
And though you may not think it fair it will come true
That one day he will be equal of you.
Your assets by the million may have grown
And you may boast you’ve made it on your own
And though you may be worth a billion even more
The wealthy few grim reaper won’t ignore.
Poor Kate her young husband died tragically
And she is forced to live in poverty
With two small babies the eldest only three
What use are you to people such as she? .
What use to her if you’re a billionaire
And with your rich pals you will only share
It’s not how much you gain it’s how you live
And you have only learnt to hoard and not give.
The factory closed down and Bill’s out of a job
And he has to take care of every bob
He and his wife and children must live on welfare
And what use to him if you’re a billionaire.
It’s not tall poppy syndrome not at all
You could be great if you done something small
Like helping those made poor by circumstance
You have such power to give them second chance.
If they are poor they did not choose to be
And it’s not their fault they live in poverty
And in the end what matter what you gain
If only memory of you will remain.
What matter if your’s is a worldly fame
And if you have got a billion to your name
It’s not how much you gain it’s how you live
And you have only learnt to take and not give.

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