Who tries to impose his will on others that’s some thing we do not need
Only by good example a good leader will lead.
What we do not need in the World are Warlords men who rule by fear
Though their numbers on the increase or so it would appear
To them human life is not important and something to be taken cheap
And of no greater value than the life of a cow or of a sheep.
What we do not need in the World are drug barons or any drug peddling millionaire
They make vast fortunes out of other people’s misery don’t life seem so unfair
How can they live with themselves such suffering they create?
And only the worst of karma on such people await.
What we do not need in the World are religious zealots those who take their faith too far
They murder innocents for their God and for their God go to war
We do not need such people no matter what their creed
Of such Godless misguided individuals too much we hear of and read.
What we do not need in the World is the self centred billionaire
Who only seem to take and take and never seem to share
They live in the lap of luxury and enjoy the opulent life
In a World where many die of hunger and poverty is rife.
What we do need more of in the World are those who stand up for the down trod
Those who support the under privileged the children of the lesser God
Their names ought be in bright lights on the high achievers wall
For they are the true champions of the fair go for all.

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