And how they get pleased,
Under false pretensions.
Regardless of whose blood bleeds.
Retribution is sought.
And none of that is mentioned,
Nor acknowledged.
To intelligently seek…
Alternatives as a means,
For an intervention!
Is encouraged by goes ignored.
And devious intentions continue,
To have it their way!
As if selecting from a menu.
Whatever it is that has them craving.
There are lessons gone untaught.
Or something misunderstood,
That has to be obeyed…
And brought to their attention!
For the sake of saving themselves,
From disgrace or worse…
That may curtail their fates.
Especially during times,
When blatant hate is displayed.
And common sense moves away,
Further from their minds!
To leave them totally isolated…
In an arrogance that depletes,
Those of this kind.
Those like them who are blind.
Those who have cut off,
Their own life lines!

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