Variety of bombs and missiles
Over my head
Pity on them
They want me to die so young
But my fate has been written
Tire your hands trying
I am strong enough to break
Not so weak that
I would bent
You may hate me for that
Yet I send you friendship
You may look at it
And feel strange
But I have enough milk in my heart
To butt it for my foe
You may turn it down
And shower me again with bombs and missiles
But I am not weak enough
To bow at your feet
You may not care it
In the fit of your rage
But I have enough trust
In you all who are now going insane
For your power and strength
As I know this is your tide
And my love will win
And I will take you back
On the right track
When this maddening phase of yours
Would pass over
And normalcy would find you again.

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