And Den Janie often played with them as the dancers took the floor
In Cullen and in Millstreet and Ballydaly and Rathmore.
They lived near Ballydaly between Rathmore and Millstreet
And they were honest fellows free of guile and conceit
And they worked hard all of their working lives for to earn a livelihood,
The Conway brothers Tom and Joe had in them so much good.
When I was a Primary schoolgoing boy and that’s going back in time
The Conway brothers Tom and Joe were well beyond their prime
But they remained quite young at heart despite their tell tale gray
And men like them don’t ever die they only fade away.
The Conway brothers Tom and Joe as I remember yet
Played on their old accordions as the dancers worked a sweat
And across the miles and far away the Seasons come and go
But time doesn’t dim the memories for me of Tom and Joe.

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