Some knew him as ‘Neilly the ambulance driver’
And others simply called him Neilly Joe.
With his wife and family he lived near the hospital
From their house a good view of Clara hill
His body may have left that place forever
But I reckon that his spirit lives there still.
He had his faults but none of us are perfect
And whenever duty beckoned he answered the call
And he was always helpful and kindhearted
And he endeared himself to one and all.
I’d love to write a song for Neilly Murphy
Were I born with the genius of a bard
Of how he became known around Duhallow
And of how he battled on when times were hard.
I still have mental pictures in my memory
Of small stocky man with big smile on his face
A great character he’s one I still remember
And he’ll live forever in my old home place.
For years he drove the ambulance in Millstreet
In all kinds of weather frost and hail and snow
Some knew him as Neilly the ambulance driver
And others simply called him Neilly Joe.

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