Have been exposed as tremendously ignorant.
I hope forgiveness embraces and heals the pain.
And proves that needless suffering has no gains!
Nothing is obtained with a heightened greed,
And bitterness achieved!
The ultimate winners in all of this despair…
Are those ‘deities’ who are in control of the heavens,
Beholding the Moon and Sun.
And gently embracing our precious air!
When the carnival of carnage ceases…
And we all use our brains,
To become enlightened and aware.
We may look ourselves in the mirror!
And see the reflected images…
Of those barbaric beasts who stare!
That should end all fears.
When it becomes clear…
Who and what stupidity endears!
And not one of those faces,
Has a degree in common sense!
But all will gather with good intentions meant…
To discuss proudly,
Weapons used in self defense!
As they market freedom and peace…
While their priests molest the faithful.
As aliens of all kinds,
Are escorted right through a barricaded fence!
And one has to feel psychotic…
For making a choice to remain patriotic!