Take the name of Hari?
The world a world of maya,
Your maya, my maya
And the body will burn to ashes
And will it remain anything else here?
O, when will you take, take the name of Hari,
O, when, when will you,
When will you the name of Hari?
My song the song of sadhna and the sadhna my wish
After a few days’ time, I shall not be, you will not be here,
As the body will burn to ashes
And it will not remain anything else here!
O, say you Hari, Hari
As the name of Hari and its recitation
Will give peace and quiet,
As the recitation of His name
Will peace!
O, when will you take the name of Hari,
Hari, Hari, Hari,
Om shantih shantih shantih!
It is not that one turns into a sadhaka in a day,
You go on taking His name,
The name of Hari,
Hari, Hari, Hari
And you will get peace,
You will get the peace of your mind and soul,
Of your heart.
Hari, Hari,
Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari, Hari,
And you Hari, Hari you
And the world see you
Hari, Hari!
How much sadhna does it require in
That the body is seasoned in the rhythm of Hari, Hari,
In your words, speeches and tongue!

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