And see the jackdaw fly with sticks to nest
And visit the old home at Millstreet west.
I had a dream a dream of wealth and fame
That mine would be a very honoured name
And my dreams of wealth and fame I did pursue
But dreams are dreams and dreams seldom come true.
Am I still remembered in the old home place
Or am I just one more forgotten face?
I forsook my friends the day I went away
For chasing dreams there is a price to pay.
In search of better life my foolish dream
And like Autumn leaf lost in the flooded stream
I left my friends and family behind
And broke those ties the very ties that bind.
If I go home some of my friends might say
You forsook us on that December day
You left your home just west of Millstreet Town
In search of unattainable renown.
Their Land of birth one never could disown
And my sense of nostalgia I’ve not outgrown
And I still hold the fondest memory
Of my green Homeland steeped in history.
When will I see where Finnow water flow
And walk through places I walked long ago
And when will I see old Clara’s face again
And hear the dunnock piping in the rain.

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