We become smug and arrogant consumed by our conceit
The humble one in the house of flattery will never find a seat.
The ego is so cowardly the truth the ego fear
The raw truth on them is something that few people wish to hear
But of an overinflated ego the truth can set us free
It can make us look inward and our true selves we can see.
The Club of Mutual Admiration it is a Worldwide Club
And even some of it’s members drink at the Local pub
They sing each others praises words of flattery they enjoy
Praise it seems to keep them happy like a child with a new toy.
How can we improve as people if the truth on ourselves we do not wish to know
If light cannot penetrate the aura ’tis the ego only grow
That’s what happens when we fall for insincere words of flattery
Many of us take ourselves too seriously that’s how it seems to me.

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