And the incumbent goes to the site of posting
Where he sees the university yet to start in a rented building
With his officials from older colleges or casual staff.
Generally, the colleges nearer to the place where the university is going to start
Taking a keen interest in posting and placement,
Especially the newer staff or the middle-aged ones,
The ambitious and the cleverer, the dull-brained and the bogus too
Through backing and bungling
And they start approaching, accessing the registrar indirectly,
Trying to meet him through his peons,
The best way to be an officer,
Going with a packet of sweets called as prasad and homely fruits,
Touching the lotus feet of the Hon’ble V.C.
The professors working as correspondents and reporters first start bargaining
The things in their favour as for becoming officers,
The best opportunity to grab, as the chairs lie in vacant,
Without any competition and rush,
Just a plain application doing it all.
The older professors from distant colleges, settle there, will not come
Even if give you the post and place them,
They are satisfied with what they have got, with their family and establishment,
But the newer and the middle-age ones after
Becoming varsity officers.
And as thus saw the teachers of poorer and simpler merit turning into officers,
First, the OSDs came into being as for exploring in all the possibilities,
Thereafter the CCDC, the Proctor, the DO, the NSS Co-ordinator, the IC, the Dean
And a few approaching the politicking persons turned into
The PVC and the Acting Registrar.
My head hung in shame in seeing them manipulating and manoeuvring,
The private colleges with teachers and staff taken over by the Govt.
And declared constituent units, from non-salaried to salaried employees,
They turning into finally big-big office-and-post-holders,
The men of caliber and guts whereas the meritorious walking on the footpath.

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