In prayer, we believe, we call upon the gods,
those forces greater than our smaller selves,
to give us what we feel we sadly lack;
In praise, we ask them nothing; simply dedicate
our inner selves to honour all we feel of worth;
honour, laud and magnify those highest qualities
that mortal minds conceive as boundless life..
Within us, then, some prior knowledge grown
of what we feel should govern our full life!
And now the blissful sages speak to us
and tell us that the heavens which we seek
are equally inside our very selves,
awaiting recognition and acknowledgement;
so what does that imply? That what we call upon
with prayer, must be answered; for it’s there
within already – courage, strength or love;
and what we praise, is, too, all there within:
we praise ourselves, while thinking of ourselves
as other than ourself.. now, is this strange? or beautiful –
beyond all beauty: good beyond all good?
and true, for all hearts know the truth of truth?

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