Sans romantic ideas there is no imagination, dreams or vision;
Romantic life does not end in old plays, romantic novels or in love stories;
Romance flourishing in dreams and imaginations happen in real life too!
Artistic mind full of romantic ideas and imaginations kindle love poems
And love songs composed and published kindle love towards one sure;
That is the starting point for the birth of romantic love between soul mates
Leading to real romantic love through love poems and letters in life!
What a sea change of life paving the way to dream world of love in reality!
Many have enjoyed as in love plays love in real life as romantic lovers;
But love ending in marriage happens by luck of fate none can know;
Comedies and tragedies of romantic love surely inspire all to dream so long!
Where is the end for romantic love in the human world whether
It is successful or not and romance in life drives life ever……?

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