Someone who has not discovered,
Purpose and the meaning of life?
Someone who excites by any attention given?
And anything shown is perfectly alright?
Nothing that I have learned,
Led me to believe…
I was the center of the universe.
My upbringing ‘instantly’…
Chased those thoughts away from me!
I like to share my time,
With those pretention free.
Those who have qualities of empathy…
And a thoughtfulness learned,
After a discovered identity!
Some folks don’t know who they are!
And masquerade as someone else.
And after going through a few disguises…
I will only spend my time,
With those who give a damn…
About life and what it offers!
There is nothing like knowing,
The I…in I Am.
So you need not try to offer anything less.
Since more of what I am looking for…
Is not worn or shown just to impress!
I am into much more.
And very few that I have met,
Can or have yet…
Let a ‘realness’ that is inside,
Come outside to be addressed!
Everyone appears,
To be caught up in distress!
And ‘busy bodying’ themselves…
In someone else’s left mess!

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