As per the plot of the brokers and astrologers,
Horoscope-makers and pundits,
Whether a sevadasi kept by a fake yogi
Betrayed in the name of religion?
Who is the girl weeping,
What is it that ails her self,
Who brought her here,
What conspired it and brought about her fall,
Who, who from her loving parents,
The lovely daughter of the loving and caring parents?
Long before her coming, the priest would have taken
The words from the childless couple
That you would your first born to
The service of the deities,
Accompanied by the brokers
And seconded by the horoscope-makers.
The dreamers would have dreamt of decorating the temples
With classical dancers,
Made of flesh and blood,
But for a day it would have been so,
Not for always,
They should have at least.
Who is the girl weeping in the temple complex
Of the ancient rock-cut temple,
Who, who took the words from her father and mother
And how did they approve of in blind faith
And superstition
The medievalistic people?
Neither a yogini nor a sadhvi,
Neither a devadasi nor a sevadasi,
She was a woman, a woman
Misused by man,
Misled by masculinity.

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