perhaps none
yet you do it
me, too
what force us?
Can’t we force it out?
before that
you need to search
before searching
you need to be conscious
of your unconscious
where you keep
like precious gold
And more,
you keep continue
to say that you do not want to tell lies
yet you tell,
me, too
Though it has spoken value
what cherished value
does it carry?
Yet you keep it
as if, you are
Under black magic
as if, it lights something
and you burn,
burn like fire
yet you keep continue
the valueless
like invaluable
and you never know
when you become unhappy
to become one
you burn a desire
and start to live in future
that’s the FORCE which kills you…………….
KILL IT before it kills
and replace it with longing..
if you able to do that
and you are a man
a man with difference
with different receptivity..a higher sense of life
and you see a bubble,
a bubble of happiness around you bubbling..

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