Anything thought, said and done with full heart is heartiness sure;
To do such an act of heartiness, one naturally must have a good heart!
Unless naturally one is good, act of heartiness is rare to see ever;
It is generally felt to be an act of feminines due to their softness;
But a magnanimous human being, man or woman, is noted for heartiness;
Heartiness comes to one, only when one naturally has a good heart ever!
All things done out of heartiness makes one a divine being to all;
This natural kind of way of doing everything is a natural attribute
Quite rare to find in humankind due to economic pursuits of all sure;
Naturally, if one is economically well, one may do all with heartiness!
Despite one’s economic miserableness, if one does everything for
Humankind with heartiness ever, such a one is a rare human divine!

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