With whom you can share
Your happiness or pain
Without any hesitation or fear
Without seeing in her eyes
an iota of jealousy
Or an opportunity
to exploit your weakness
That face is better than the silvery moon
That trust is better than the fathomless bottom of the ocean
That face
and that trust
whom do they belong to?
they must be belonged to your mother
Whose purity of love
Better than any flower
Whose care is better than
The nectar of the red rose
Whose absence
Makes you feel empty
In your own house full of men and women
Whose picture you draw
Even in the moment, busy
Whose memories drag tears of ecstasy
even in the time of difficulties.
who is she?
She must be your mother
Who gives you shelter
At the time of storm
Without leaving your hands
Who saves you
From the claws of danger
Sometimes like a cave
Sometimes like a soldier
who is she?
She is no one but she must be your mother
Who feeds you
Without having been on food
Who puts you on cloths
But she herself suffers in the cold
Who is she?
she must be your mother
To whom you are
A piece of gold
A diamond of the heart
The eyes of hope
The wings of dream
Who prefers her death
In exchange of your life
who is she?
she must be your mother.
If you want to see the true colour of tears
if you want to feel the essence
Or smell the purest scent
Weigh the grain
hear the sound of pain
measure the beauty of the rain
then you must ask the lady,
mother of your mother,
or let you be asked
by your son or daughter …
how is it?
whom does it belong to?
it must be belonged to your mother…

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