How does a person achieve?
How does one get mischief?
What is the aim of a life?
Is the age sixty of a person ripe?
Why does a person miscarry?
Why does a person speculate fairy?
How to survive in this earth?
Can a person avoid rebirth?
Many questions arises in person’s mind,
What are the solutions have to find?
A person fears for his or her unjust work,
Telling a lie leads him or her to murk.
Virtuous qualities like truth and nonviolence
Bring a person peace, bliss and silence.
Noble works, hard labour, bring ascent for person,
Meditation brings calmness and righteous action.
Aim of life should be to do good for nation,
And to do for soul will always be the notion.
Night comes after day and vice versa is sure,
Rebirth must come after death, action should be pure.
God can solve each problem if we shall do well,
Let’s meditate him and save life from hood’s tale.

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