Frogs going below ice water, squirrels going into tree boroughs,
Polar bears taking shelter in ice caves are natural happenings!
Inside ice they feel warm to sleep, give birth to cubs and give milk
In the long winter season before spring comes to activate their life.
It’s a great wonder in Nature to see animals get nurtured so, so long!
Also aestivation of animals in summer is a great wonder of nature!
Classic Ant and Grasshopper story is also happening in human life!
In Ramayana Kumbha Karna does 6 months’ work and 6 months’ sleep;
This giant lives so as an ant due to the boon he got by his slip of tongue!
Though strange it is a great wonder in the great Indian Epic of the past!
King Vikram too lived both court life and forest life for 6 months each;
He got a boon from Goddess Kali to rule his country men for 1000 years!
His adviser too got a boon from Goddess Kali to assist him for 2000 years!
But both lived for 2000 years as the king by a plan lived half year in forest!
The story of King Vikram still remains as a great legend among Indian Epics!
What a different type of lives ant, giant and king had to live in 6 months’ time!
Although different in size, strength, wisdom similarly they had to live in a year!
Change of life in every 6 months’ period we too cannot neglect if we probe deep!

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