The young men at her can only stand and stare
As beauty goes her type are even quite rare.
In her early twenties approaching her prime
With beauty that inspires the young poets to rhyme
But she daydreams of Cities from home far away
And in Hamilton Town she is one who won’t stay.
To a Hamilton fellow she will not be a wife
And in Hamilton Town she will not spend her life
The lust of the wander in her young heart call
And she will leave Town at the end of the Fall.
For the great northern Cities far from her old home
For New York and London and Paris and Rome
The World is so big and there is so much to see
For one who is young and as adventurous as she.
So young and so lovely as well as carefree
In Hamilton she won’t raise a family
She soon will be leaving for to live elsewhere
The young blue eyed beauty with the dark brown hair.

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