Any communication and almost believed to have passed away in long wars
At the snow capped mountains on the top of the world to fight terrorism!
A tourist spot praised as paradise on Earth has been turned into hell
With full of violence, bomb firings and tough gun firings often ever
Going on and the soldiers there are willing sacrifices one believes
seeing the protracted wars going on throwing away all cease-fire notices!
Love and peace seem to be matters of romantic stories we read in novels
When the whole world is caught by terrorist violence as forest fire
Raging and surging endlessly day and night with all people praying God
For big rain to stop the holocaust by the grace of Nature at last….!
Nature has provided all resources for all to share and live life in love
As in heaven on Earth, but creed and greed have driven the world in chaos!
Is it not making the human race worse than forest animals sans any sense
And making human life a great farce and the world worse than hell ever?

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