Questioning evil deeds?
With little toy guns under Christmas trees.
Videos advocating enemies…
Sold at hundreds of dollars to please.
And leaders seeking ‘victories’
Where there is clearly none!
Why are the people remaining shocked and stunned?
When the events of the day…
Should have long been ushered away.
With decadence and lowlife,
Praised as a standard lived.
Why are the people…
Disturbed by undisciplined children.
With those protecting them,
From the acts they do and things they did?
Why is ignorance like this,
Dismissed as creations they did not invent?
When addictions presenting…
A condoning done with their consent!
When people feed on their hypocrisies,
And denial of their ways.
Why do they see themselves as sane?
And those who criticize the obvious…
As the ones who speak of lofty gains.
From liberal minds having spines that are weak.
And labelled are they,
To be idealistically crazed!
What medicated intoxication…
Would leave those astounded,
In reactions that amaze?
While a darkness slowly dims sunlight.
To cover eyes already clouded,
By a blightness those blinded appear to invite!
With a sharing of ignorance…
That induces excitement.
As they dress to impress…
To welcome the coming of bleak days,
They await to celebrate in a daze unphased.
‘What are they doing? ‘
Cheering the demise of the Sun!

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