Somehow it destroys many things,
But like the dark night
It does mot stay for long time,
Night goes away and day comes,
Storm does not able to rule for long,
It also goes away like darkness,
We need to keep patience and renovate.
If we have radar we can know about weather
Forecasting somehow gives alert,
But storm comes even if we know earlier,
We cannot prevent a storm,
This is not in our hand,
We have to take preventive measure,
If the storm ruins our dreams,
Still we have to keep patience
And we have to rebuild dreams more,
Storm is temporary and it goes away,
Again with unity, love and peace
After renovation we can live happily.
Storm comes but goes away too,
Let us have courage to face it,
We cannot do anything to it
But we can protect ourselves.
© Kumarmani Mahakul,07 February 2019. All rights reserved.

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