Surely peace and freedom can be got after death, seems!
Till then console and prepare oneself by religious thoughts!
Religion gives moral strength and prepares to meet death!
This world is the hell meant to enjoy freedom sans peace!
But that world is the heaven meant to get peaceful freedom!
Connected duties of birth everyone cannot neglect here;
For, neglect of duty will lead one from bad to worse soon
As all are slaves of the situation making freedom no freedom!
Nature and nurture develop personality for good or bad here;
Knowledge, wealth and power determine slavery or domination.
Doing duty is as natural as breathing, eating and meditating;
So, rewards and comforts are immaterial for doing duties;
Incentives, bonus and awards are just inducements to do duties!
Incentives entice desire to do jobs for benefits only in the world
And affect very much selfless natural desire to do anything in life.
So, corrupt political forces easily entice individuals to materialism!
Hence desire, attachment and ambition engage men in fights ever
In competition for high position to wield power so as to enjoy all!
Failures lead to disillusionment immersing one in sadism at last.
Success or failure is not sure when one plunges blindly in greed
Bothering little sincerity or sense of goodness, truth and beauty!
Too much desire spoils one’s duty and destroys human dignity;
But without desire interest in one’s duty is impossible in life!

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