To wear, a day has to be engaged to have best mood!
Otherwise, the day is quite uninteresting and insipid!
Interest-less life is quite boring to live long, I feel ever;
There must be zeal to do something to make life ever
Worth living in this world full of opportunities for all!
Creative and inventive works make all busy forever!
Such kind of mind only can create great masterpieces
To make the world worth living to do greatest things
All can appreciate, love and follow in life to continue
The process of beautiful and best creations to go on ever!
Sans such creative activities, this world would not have
Attained the marvelous changes making it a place of
Heaven and paradise to enjoy life better than before!
This the destructive minds should see and change sure!
Only when there is peace, beauty, joy and freedom,
There can be satisfaction, an adventurous zeal to do
Better things for better living in this world of heaven
And a sense of confidence nothing can shake till the end!

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