Natural way of living is being pruned by civilization
Due to technological and economic developments…!
Sans thoughts on social development, economic acts,
Giving importance to materialism and money, have
Made man a mere material one driving him to lead
Mechanical life causing class differences and disparities!
Despite a lot of developments for a sophisticated life in
The name of civilization, materialistic man has forgotten
His natural culture and suffers seeking peace and bliss
In drugs and intoxicating stuffs believing to be civilization!
Up-gradation of human nature to divine nature is the main
Purpose of man’s economic, social and cultural developments;
But caught by the web of technology and trade, man has
Become a machine-beast-man rather than a better human!
Not knowing anything about religion, literature and history,
Materialistic man sees everything in life as profit and loss….
And has become a slave of money in the mad race of economic
Development at the expense of social development forever…!

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