Marxism, Leninism, Maoism cannot solve economic problems;
Smith, Malthus, Mill cannot be neglected in economic thought;
Marshall, Keynes cannot be ignored to balance surplus and deficit;
But rich and poor differences lead to eternal inequality problem!
Material values always go against human values in the world;
So, modern economic thoughts should connect the two values.
But economic equality alone cannot solve other inequalities in life!
Disparities of race, class and creed blind mind and character;
Exploited class by revolution becomes slaves of new regime;
Communism/socialism has met with the fate of Nazism/fascism!
Now socialistic democracy seems to be welcomed by world societies.
Slogans of secessionism with sound and fury trivial parties raise;
Yet tradition and convention keep society passive and fatalistic.
Individuals by education realise rights and liberties in the society.
Society needs change by reform for liberty, equality and justice
But not by bloody revolution socialistic society should be formed.
Regionalism too raises its ugly head with heat and boils often,
Increases the gap between north and south and east and west.
Thus came differences of Aryans, Dravidians, whites and blacks;
Now territorial disputes and unemployment problems threaten all!
Domination of alien languages and cultures destroyed native ones
And regionalism is bursting with sound and fury now and then!
So, water and energy crises bring border disputes and conflicts
And members of same family have to live in opposite camps!
Linguistic fanaticism and culture erupt like eternal volcano;
Linguistic barriers besides others disintegrate unity forever.
Language agitations rock sky high with full of sound and fury
Instigating people to violence and destruction of dear culture.
Senseless propaganda of controversial language breeds enmity;
Thrust of half baked language fails to synch with modernity.
Every language is a means of communication among men;
Change of common language by rulers retards social progress;
So, simple and advanced common language only can solve all.
Religious differences create enmity with full of sound and fury;
Political propaganda triggers violence with full of sound and fury;
Social differences disintegrate people with full of sound and fury;
Regionalism fosters permanent splits with full of sound and fury;
Linguistic fanaticism flares up madness with full of sound and fury.
Clash of these circles create intolerable complexities and chaos;
World heading to such catastrophes has no brake to bear them.
The smooth function of the world lies in the hands of peace lovers;
Peace and stability alone promote vital creative and inventive works;
Art and science activate peaceful works of beauty and benefit for all;
Culture and civilisation make the world a better place to live forever;
But bad acts provoked by words full of sound and fury mar the world.
Without peace and stability creations and inventions cannot go on;
Art and science cannot thrive to uphold world culture and civilisation;
Disparities and differences should be forgotten to promote peace;
Friendship and integrity should be fostered to promote stability;
For that, concerned people should come out of the circles of crises
And see things as they really are not from within but from outside;
Then only all world nations can function as one world family forever;
That is the dream of many a great soul yesterday, today and forever!

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