Due to terrorism and poverty haunting mankind unresolved;
Fear and uncertainty disturb all by anxiety and excitement!
Lack of education and support to the suffering people still
Remain as an unsettled debt to the world of man despite
The lopsided developments sans caring the actual need of
Many and their dreams never seem to be blooming at all…!
Control of world affairs by hardliners is driving the world to
The brink of chaos, anarchy and turmoil that may explode
As bomb or erupt as volcano any moment, if the aspirations
Of deserving ones are not cared for by men in helm of affairs!
The long neglect of sincere, hard working and ambitious ones
Triggers them towards extremism, violence and wars to hell…!
The best ones in every field of world life need to be harnessed
For the betterment of humankind to promote peace sure ever!

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